Clean Ocean Action

Clean Ocean Action

Donor Privacy Policy and Information Sharing Policy

COA Donor Privacy Policy

Clean Ocean Action will not trade, share or sell a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.  This includes information received from online and offline donors. 


COA Information Sharing Policy and Disclaimer

Unless otherwise noted, the materials and information found on this website or disseminated from Clean Ocean Action (COA) in other forms are provided to raise public awareness of ocean pollution issues and to further the mission of the organization.  To the extent same are authored by Clean Ocean Action, they may be copied, distributed, shared or used as a reference (provided that COA is properly cited as the source).  COA strives to provide accurate, complete, and timely information on this website, but its contents and hyperlinks are provided without any warranty of any kind, including but not limited to any warranty against third party infringement claims.  



January 2018

COA Financial Information

Official documents can be found here. 



49 Avenel Blvd.
Long Branch, NJ 07740

Field Office:

Gateway National Recreation Area
Sandy Hook, New Jersey

Voice: (732) 872-0111
FAX: (732) 872-8041

Candid/Guidestar "Essential nonprofit data, tools, and resources"

Charity Navigator, "Your Guide to Intelligent Giving"