Volunteer Job Description for Clean Ocean Action:
Title: “Junior Beach Captain” for Clean Ocean Action Beach Sweeps
Supervisor: Kira Cruz, Debris Free Sea Coordinator
Goal: Assist in leading a Beach Sweep event at a specific location to increase participation especially by youth. Beach Sweeps is a citizen science and action event to help stop ocean pollution. The data collected about debris at your local site will help spread the message about the dangers of litter in the marine environment.
If you're interested in this opportunity, and meet the qualifications below, please fill out the Junior Beach Captain Interest Form.
Major Responsibilities:
- Attend a mandatory Junior Beach Captain training session held by Clean Ocean Action
- Post and distribute flyers at school and throughout your town before the Sweeps
- Encourage fellow students and school groups to register to participate, including through presentations, social media, local event calendars, and other outlets
- On the day of the Beach Sweeps attend the Sweep for the entire event, arriving ½ hour early to assist the adult Beach Sweep Captain in all ways, including:
- following instructions
- assisting in organizing and distributing materials
- instructing volunteers about the correct Sweeps process and data collection
- helping to enforce proper sorting of collected materials
- taking photos of volunteers and send to COA
- assisting with Master Data Card compilation
- assisting with clean-up
Time Commitments:
- Mandatory one hour information and training session for all new Junior Beach Sweeps Captains prior to Sweeps
- In-person meeting preferred, but at least have a phone meeting with your specific site’s Beach Captain. Must be arranged between you and the Captain.
- Two hours to post flyers in town and in your school one month prior to event(s)
- One Saturday in the spring and one Saturday in the fall from 8:15am-1pm (actual event is 9am-12:30pm)
- Physical ability to walk the beach and to lift medium size trash bags and large items
- Communication and networking skills to promote the Sweeps (post flyers, send emails, deliver announcements at school)
- Enthusiasm for the environment
- Must be at least 15 years of age
- Must have signed approval from a parent or guardian to participate
Training & Preparations:
No previous experience is necessary, but preference is given to those who have participated in previous Beach Sweeps. Guidelines, tips, and assistance will be provided by Clean Ocean Action; however, you must attend the Beach Sweep training sessions held in the spring and fall prior to each Beach Sweep, as well as talk with your designated site Beach Captain.
Location: One of 70+ Beach Sweeps locations
Benefits to the Volunteer:
- Help protect the ocean by removing debris that litters beaches and endangers marine life
- Leadership training to motivate peers and make a difference in your community
- Learn important skills for responsibility and coordination
- Improve knowledge of science and public policy
- Be part of a statewide (international in the fall) citizen science event
- Obtain valuable community service hours
- Meet people who share goal to improve and protect the environment
Ready to take the plunge and become a Junior Beach Captain? Complete this interest form to receive application details for the 2024 Beach Sweeps. If you have any questions about being a Junior Beach Captain volunteer, please contact beachsweeps@cleanoceanaction.org. Thank you!