Clean Ocean Action

COA Comment Letters

NJPDES Proposed Rule Changes

The NJ Dep. of Env. Protection recently proposed changes to the regulations of wastewater discharge. COA is concerned that these rule changes will decrease water quality and harm aquatic and marine life.

NJPDES Renewal Permits

Wastewater dischargers are required to obtain a permit to discharge the wastewater, pursuant to the Clean Water Act. The permits, termed New Jersey Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NJPDES) permits, expire every five years and must be renewed. Thus, the public has an opportunity to comment on the permit renewal application every five years. Clean Ocean Action comments on permit renewals for the 17 wastewater dishargers that discharge to the ocean. A list of these comments follow:

Draft NJPDES Permit Modification for the Middlesex County Utilities Authority (MCUA) #NJ0020141

NJ DEP proposed the modification to MCUA's permit to incorporate requirements of the National Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Control Policy. The modification requires MCUA to determine the feasibility and cost of receiving, treating and discharging additional sewage flows as a means of reducing CSO discharges. COA submitted comments urging the state to focus on altermatives that will maximize water quality improvements of the Raritan Bay. We also expressed our support for the extensive public participation component of the requirement. Here is a link to our comments.


 NJPDES Master General Permit for Reclaimed Water for Beneficial Reuse

On November 16, 2005, NJDEP proposed to issue a NJPDES Master General Permit, No. NJ0142581, to authorize distribution of Reclaimed Water for Beneficial Reuse (RWBR) for restricted access applications in the DEP Bulletin. Restricted access reuse involves the use of treated wastewater where the possibility of exposure to the general population is minimal and/or worker contact is controlled. Such applications include sanitary sewer jetting, street sweeping, sewage treatment plant washdown, fire protection, irrigation of landscaping within a secured perimeter (fenced area) and certain industrial processes. COA submitted Comments on the Beneficial Reuse General Permit Proposal.


49 Avenel Blvd.
Long Branch, NJ 07740

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Gateway National Recreation Area
Sandy Hook, New Jersey

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FAX: (732) 872-8041

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