Clean Ocean Advocate, December 2004
Jennifer Samson, Ph.D., 732-872-0111,
Dock Building 101
A federal permit authorizing existing and proposed non-commercial piers, docks, and bulkheads is up for revalidation. The existing permit, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) General Permit, SPGP-19, expires December 31, 2004. COA took this opportunity to urge USACE to ban the use of pressure treated wood (PTW) for structures built in low-flow areas. The permit already requires the use of non-polluting materials when building over shellfish habitats. PTW contains heavy metals such as copper, arsenic and chromium, which has been shown to leach into the water and adjacent sediments. Residential use of CCA-treated (copper chromium arsenate) wood was banned in 2003, but aquatic uses were exempt. COA provided USACE with strong scientific evidence of lethal and sublethal effects on organisms, as well as bioaccumulation of leachates by organisms. These impacts occur throughout the aquatic environment but are most damaging in areas of low water flow. The National Marine Fisheries Service supports our efforts and presented their own evidence of adverse effects on essential fish habitat (EFH).
Take the Initiative
COA is in the process of responding to a list of Coastal and Ocean Protection Initiatives proposed by Bradley Campbell, Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), in April of this year. Issues in this list include coastal habitat protection, water quality improvement, and coastal development. Campbell has recently indicated that he is ready to move forward on some of these actions. COA is working to ensure our 2004 Ocean Pollution Action List is included. To view both documents, visit and follow links for issues.
Bayonne Ocean Terminal
COA received the latest Public Notice (PN #FP63-PJCA2A-2004) for Contract Area 2A of the proposed channel deepening and re-alignment of the non-federal Port Jersey Channel in Bayonne, NJ. The PN involves the proposed disposal of 95,000 cubic yards (CY) of dredged material at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) off the coast of Sandy Hook. The total to be dredged from Contract Area 2A is 774,200 CY of material with the remainder going to the EnCap Golf Site and NJ Meadowlands Commission 1E landfill (ongoing sites for treatment and beneficial use of dredged material).