Clean Ocean Action

Clean Ocean Advocate, April 2010

February's Creature

February's creature feature was the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) which can be identified by its snout. Despite its name, the grey seal can vary in color from black to light gray-tan.

Females can live up to 35 years, while males live up to 25 years in the wild. Pups in our region are born in January to February.

Due to hunting in the past, the grey seal populations declined but are thought to be increasing again. Judge Amber Jack thanks all who submitted guesses and congratulates the contest winner Monique Ehsani of Rumson, NJ!

April's Creature Feature

April’s creature is a common summer seabird in the New Jersey region that winters in Florida and the gulf coast. Young birds less than 3 years can be more grey or brown in color and do not have the black head coloring shown on the more mature bird in the picture. This bird breeds in large colonies in southern New Jersey coastal marshes and it knows very well how to enjoy an amusing joke.

For a chance to win a COA T-shirt, submit your guess to Judge C. Nettle by mail, fax or email (18 Hartshorne Drive, Suite 2, Highlands, NJ 07732; 732-872-8041; or visit the website Only one entry per person please.


49 Avenel Blvd.
Long Branch, NJ 07740

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