After the Student Summit
Feedback Forms:
- Clean Ocean Action provides each participating school the link to a Teacher Feedback Form and a Student Feedback Form. Located on Google Forms, these feedback surveys give teachers and students the opportunity to let Clean Ocean Action know what was enjoyed from the Student Summit and what we can improve.
- Upon receiving a school's completed Teacher Feedback Form and Student Feedback Forms, Clean Ocean Action will mail back the school's $100 refundable deposit check. School's may also opt to donate the check to Clean Ocean Action, if desired.
- Every teacher and student's feedback is valued and imperative to improving future Student Summit programs!
Reinforcing Student Summit Lessons:
- After the Summit, teachers should reinforce the lessons learned by their students. Since each student attends a different field activity as a part of their day, time should be given in the classroom for students to share what they learned in their respective activities with each other.
- Here are some general suggestions for ways to follow up on the material covered by the Student Summit.
- Discuss the various field workshops and work stations with the class.
- Review data collected at individual workshops and work stations and have the class graph their results and discuss their significance.
- Consult the curricular materials listed in the teacher packed received at the Student Summit (sample below) to utilize related, appropriate lessons and activities from them.
- Repeat some of the experiments presented at the work stations, change some of the components and compare the results to those results collected at the Summit.
- Encourage students to research and report on species they saw at the Summit to learn more about that plant's or animal's life history.
Virtual Student Summit:
- Teachers may also access the most recent version of Clean Ocean Action's Virtual Student Summit, which is a free program COA curated in response to at-home learning in 2020. This interactive Prezi program brings marine-based learning to the classroom, giving students a "day-at-the-beach" in-place of the in-person Student Summit, or in addition!
- If interested in receiving the link and resources for your class to acces the Virtual Student Summit, please contact education@cleanoceanaction.org.