Clean Ocean Advocate, July 2005
Nicole Simmons & Chris Ackerman, 732-872-0111,
Municipal Stormwater Rules & The Ocean
In 2003, New Jersey adopted a package of regulations to address stormwater runoff. The regulations require municipalities to develop control plans for stormwater runoff resulting from both existing and new development and implementation of “Statewide Basic
Requirements.” Specifically, the Stormwater Management Rule requires:
- implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) for new development to reduce pollution runoff levels from total suspended solids by 80%
- reducing the nutrient load to the maximum extent feasible
- protecting special resource areas by requiring vegetative buffers around vital streams and reservoirs
- stressing new performance standards for groundwater recharge requiring maintenance of 100% of the average annual groundwater recharge.
COA is drafting useful tips for municipalities to use as they finalize their stormwater plans and begin implementation of the rules. COA’s tips focus on ways to comply with the Rule to best reduce pollution impacts on the ocean.
An Update: Shark River Dredging
The Shark River Bay Environmental Planning Committee (SRBEPC), which includes the Mayors of Avon, Belmar, Neptune, Neptune City, and Wall, continue to host meetings to present the “Regional Plan for Environmental Enhancement of the Shark River Bay – Preliminary Phase.” The next meeting is in Belmar on June 30. For details, contact Belmar Boro Administrator Richard Lynch at (732) 681-3700 or Also, COA will tour the potential de-watering facility at the old Camp Evans site on June 29. For information about this tour, contact Nicole Simmons at (732) 872-0111.
Shark River Receives Added Protection
The Shark River Brook and its tributaries received Category One (C1) protection by NJDEP. The announcement was published in the June 20 NJ Register. This achievement for the Shark River was led by the Shark River
Cleanup Coalition and made possible by the citizens, organizations, and elected officials that defended the river by submitting comments and making telephone calls to NJDEP and Acting Governor Codey. Please commend Gov. Codey (call 609-292-6000) and NJDEP Commissioner Bradley Campbell (609-292-2885 or