Clean Ocean Advocate, February 2005
Jennifer Samson, Ph.D., 732-872-0111,
To review comments, visit Contaminated Sediments.
Raritan River Dredging Project
Clean Ocean Action (COA) and NY/NJ Baykeeper submitted joint comments to the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) on proposed maintenance dredging of the Raritan River from the New York railroad bridge (river mile 2) to the Driscoll Bridge (river mile 4) to a depth of 25 feet (+2 ft) below mean low water. The project will generate approximately 152,000 cubic yards of material, which will be placed at an upland disposal site yet to be identified.
COA and Baykeeper are not opposed to maintenance dredging, as it is essential for safe navigation, but wants to ensure the work is conducted in a manner that is protective of the marine environment. The groups requested the use of an environmental bucket with slow hoist speed and no barge overflow as a project requirement. The comments to ACOE also asked that the seasonal ban on dredging (Jan. 1-May 31) be enforced to protect early life stages of winter flounder.
Buttermilk Channel Dredging & HARS Disposal
COA continues to monitor ocean disposal of sediments at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS). ACOE is currently proposing maintenance dredging of Buttermilk Channel federal navigation channel with subsequent placement of approximately 100,000 cubic yards (CY) of dredged material at HARS. The sediment proposed to be dredged is contaminated with PAHs and PCBs at levels an order of magnitude higher (for PAHs) or equal to (for PCBs) concentrations in the contaminated sediments already at HARS. During 28-day bioaccumulation tests using Buttermilk Channel sediments, clams and worms showed significant bioaccumulation of 52 different contaminants.