Clean Ocean Action

Clean Ocean Advocate, September 2006

Jennifer Samson, PhD., 732-872-0111,

COA Urges Denial of US Gypsum Permit

     COA submitted comments urging the US Army Corps of Engineers to deny the permit application for the placement of 90,000 cubic yards of muck from US Gypsum’s access channel (located in the Hudson River in Stony Point, NY) at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) as remediation material. 

     Test results revealed high concentrations of contaminants in sediment and in tissues of benthic organisms.  Significant bioaccummulation of 25 contaminants in clams and 36 in worms occurred, including an exceedance of the HARS-specific PCB Worm Tissue Criterion of 113 ppb (parts per billion), in two of the five replicates.  COA’s comments are posted on our website (“Issues and Campaigns” and HARS/Projects).


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