Clean Ocean Advocate, September 2006
Pesticide Free Lawns & Cleaner Waters
There is a movement to offset stormwater-related pollution and have a positive effect on the health of NJ’s residents and waterways. A petition called the “Pesticide Free Lawn Declaration” is being circulated by the NJ Environmental Federation (NJEF), among other groups. The NJEF is working with local mayors and counties to establish Pesticide Free Zones as an extension of their Integrated Pest Management policies. For more information about the “Pesticide Free” program, visit
The US Geological Survey released a ten-year survey of the contamination caused by pesticide use in agriculture and urbanized areas. Findings show that 96% of all fish, 100% of all surface water samples, and 33% of major aquifers contain one or more pesticides at detectable levels, many at levels exceeding aquatic life standards. Pesticides contaminate streams, rivers, lakes, coastal waters as well as underground water and drinking water supplies.
COA is also finalizing a guide that municipalities can use to comprehensively address water quality issues from stormwater runoff. To obtain a copy when complete, contact Keith at COA.