Clean Ocean Advocate, April 2006
Nicole Simmons, 732-872-0111,
NJ Reviews Coastal Program Progress in 5-Year Assessment
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) is accepting comments on the draft Coastal Management Program Assessment for 2001-2005 (available at The Assessment is performed every five years as required by the federal Coastal Zone Management Act. The Assessment reviews topic areas within the state coastal management program, including aquaculture, coastal hazards, coastal wetlands, cumulative and secondary impacts, energy and government facility siting, marine debris, ocean resources, public access, and special area management planning. In the Assessment, the state describes how it has met, or not met, objectives.
COA’s initial review, in preparation to submit comments, reveals that the current assessment is woefully inadequate in meeting objectives. Also, COA will further review the Assessment to determine if the State met the plans laid out in the previous assessment in 2001. Comments were due March 31.
Proposed Reductions of Bacteria in Waterways
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) represent the amount of a pollutant a waterbody can receive without violating the state’s surface water quality criteria. A TMDL is developed based on available pollution data and an assessment of potential pollutant sources. This information is used to allocate load capacities among the different point and non-point sources of pollution, and sets goals and implementation strategies to reduce pollutants that is necessary for the waterbody to meet water quality standards.
The NJDEP recently released proposed TMDLs for Total Coliforms (bacteria) for 36 waterbodies that were previously identified as shellfish-impaired waters due to poor water quality. For example, proposed TMDLs for Watershed Area 12 include total coliform load reductions for the Manasquan River Estuary, Shark River Estuary, Navesink River Estuary, Shrewsbury River Estuary, and Waackaack Creek Estuary. The NJDEP is accepting public comments on the proposed TMDLs through April 7. The documents are available at
Citizens Invited to Monmouth County Bayshore Meetings
The Bayshore Regional Watershed Council (BRWC) is developing a regional dredged material management plan for the northern bayshore in Monmouth County, NJ. In November 2005, a public forum was held in Atlantic Highlands. A second open public forum, to be held on May 11 at 10:30am at the Atlantic Highlands Senior Center, will provide citizens with an update on the progress of the plan’s development. Citizens are also invited to attend the regular meeting of BRWC that evening, which will also include an update and discussion of the plan. The evening meeting will be held at 7:30pm at Keyport Borough Hall. For information about these meetings, or the plan, contact Nicole or Kari at COA.