Clean Ocean Advocate, April 2006
Citizen Takes Action to Stop Litter at “Tradewinds at Sea Bright”
Recently, a concerned citizen alerted COA to a litter problem at the new home construction site, “Tradewinds at Sea Bright.” Construction debris, including plastic, cardboard, and Styrofoam, were seen blowing from the construction site and into the ocean. COA contacted the Borough Police, Code Enforcement Officer, and Mayor Kalaka-Adams, each of whom responded promptly. Consequently, much of the debris was collected, however debris remained a problem, especially at times of high winds. COA has since met with the Code Enforcement Officer and two Site Managers, who have agreed to take preventative measures, including installing snow fencing around the undeveloped lots, covering the dumpsters, and conducting regular litter pick-ups. COA will follow-up with the managers to ensure these measures are taken.
Litter, Litter Everywhere
Litter is an ongoing problem in our coastal communities, as is evidenced by the large amount of debris that is collected at COA’s bi-annual Beach Sweeps (see enclosed flyer for the next cleanup). In much of the state, litter laws are rarely enforced. Despite efforts such as the NJ Clean Communities Program, which distributes funding to towns for cleanup events, receptacles, and litter awareness and education programs, strict enforcement is the answer to stop the “litterbugs” in our communities. Also, with New Jersey’s indoor anti-smoking law kicking-in on April 15, it is essential that towns get tough on litterers and ensure that ample receptacles are available for the proper disposal of cigarette butts and other trash.
Local Marina Certified as “Clean Marina”
Main One Marina in Avon-By-the-Sea, NJ, was certified as the state’s third “Clean Marina.” The Clean Marina Program, launched and listed as a priority in Acting NJ Governor Codey’s Coast 2005 Initiative, is a statewide, voluntary, and incentive-based program aimed to address pollution from boatyards, marinas, yacht clubs, and boaters. This program aims to prevent adverse impacts to water quality, sensitive habitats, and living resources near marinas. For information about the Clean Marina Program, contact Mike Danko at 732-872-1300 ext. 29, or
Main One Marina is owned and operated by Scottie Franklin, who is a founding COA Board of Trustees member, and on the Board of Directors for the Shark River Cleanup Coalition.